When trained runners perceive the finish line in the distance, they don’t slow down or decide that now is the time for a much-needed water break. Instead, they run even faster than they were running for the entirety of the race, only slowing down when they are well past the finish line. Athletes who finish strong typically needed to:
Bhakti Love, Bhakti Club

Walk into the Bhakti Center just minutes from the University of Virginia grounds and you’ll find yourself in a cozy, welcoming place that a growing number of people identify as their home away from home, a spiritual oasis. On Sunday evenings a … [Continue reading]
Bhakti Yoga Will Improve Student Life

Dear Students at the University of Virginia: With school starting, you are beginning a new chapter in your life. And here at the university Mr. Jefferson built, there are hundreds of courses and organizations to provide you with the information … [Continue reading]
Eat, Love, Pray

Each year of life brings opportunities to start fresh and do things better. Here are 3 simple bhakti practices that are worth considering – EAT, PRAY, LOVE. They are so simple that we might miss them, yet so profound that we would be foolish to do … [Continue reading]
One Song in the Key of Life

Sometimes when people begin practicing Bhakti Yoga, they think that by putting their hearts and energy into yoga, they will have to give up too much. They worry that those things they love and that give them pleasure might have to be abandoned. … [Continue reading]
A Journey Worth Taking

BOOK REVIEW The Journey Home: Autobiography of an American Swami by His Holiness Radhanath Swami Every spiritual seeker who has found their personal path has a story. But there are not many stories as powerful and moving as Radhanath Swami's The … [Continue reading]
Spiritualize Your Day

When we began our study of Bhakti yoga in the early 70s, nearly every aspiring Bhakta lived in one of our spiritual master's ashrams. Living in the ashram was a bit like a spiritual boot camp. We awakened very early (around 3:00 am), showered with … [Continue reading]